jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

Chapter 5-Amsterdam

Last year the people in science went to Amsterdam in April, and that was a trip we will never forget.

We did lots of things, visited many places and learnt a lot of the Dutch culture over there, but there was one moment that I'll remember ever.

I think it was the second day we were there, and at night we went to a disco called 'The Milky Way', where we had a really good time and even met some guys from Nervion! It was really good, but it wasn't what I will remember.

I was going to sleep at Jocea's Grandaparents', with Ana Left (her houst), Jocea, Pablo and Moene (Pablo´s Dutch partner). We arrived cycling and we were surprised because of the amount of stairs we had to walk through. We talk a little and we went to sleep because we were exhausted.

At the next morning, when we got up we realised Moene and Pablo had already left, so the three of us who stayed there were going to have breakfast. Ana and I were at the kitchen, having this 'hajosllag' toast or whatever they called it, and Jocea told us to go into the living room to meet her grandparents.

They were very nice, but her grandfather stayed at the window, reading a newspaper in silent, and he looked as Santa Claus, so I told Ana and we couldn't stop laughing. We were very embarrased and had such an uncomfortable situation.

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012

Chapter 4-Cheating

Cheating has been always part of our exams, so some of my classmates have become cheating experts. That's not me. I have almost never cheated, but I have an anecdote that I'll always remember.

We were doing a Chemistry exam with Mari Paz in second year. I had studied and everything was going very well. But I couldn't do the las exercise. I got nervous and I didn't know what to do. Suddenly, I saw Valls like he had already finished his exam. Therefor, I saked him for that exercise.

He tried to tell me how to do it, but he was too far and I couldn't understand him. He suddenly took his toilet paper (I don't even know now why he brings it to school instead of clinex) and started to write there. I was too confused, but, astonishingly, he threw me a paper ball, and despite the long distance,  I caught it in the air. I looked inside and there it was the exercise done.

I felt very nervous, but I copied it and pass it away to another classmate who didn't know the answer neither. At the end, I got a good mark, thanks to Valls. I won't forget that never.

To sum up, I'll tell everybody that is better studying than cheating, it can be very risky.

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012


Aquí está la tarea 8 de TIC.

No tengo mucho que comentar en cuanto a trabajo en parejas pues lo he realizado en solitario, que creo que a veces es más fácil puesto que no tienes que llegar a un acuerdo con nadie más, tú tomas tus propias decisiones y expones lo que tú crees que es necesario.

Aquí os dejo mi presentación:

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

Chapter 3-Classmates, Gabri

Gabri is a guy who has been with us in the bilingual group until Bachillerato.

I can remember his first years, when he was so shy and had short hair. He wasn't very good at English, so he used to fell it. He wasn't very sociable neither. However, he was nice, so as I had known him from Primary School, we began being good friends.

But in third year he changed a lot: he stopped being shy, he changed his loo (having long hair) and used to go out more. He was much more friendly. He really had a clear Turning Point. But he wasn't still very good at school. He left the group because English wasn't his speciallity. Astonishingly, in the other group he got good marks at English!

I think all of us miss him in our way (even Mrs Celis), as we also miss everyone who had left us.